
Friendship is Love

Yes. I said it. I do not mean it on the "pyaar dosti hai", or every great love begins with a friendship sense. I mean it in the simplest of words that Friendship=Love. Everyone is chasing after love in movies, books and everywhere in life. But what about the love we already have? Why is the love of a friendship not as sought after? Why do we take it for granted? Platonic Love is also one of the purest forms of love. A person you meet has the choice whether or not to be your friend. They get to know you slowly and accept you as part of their lives, as a friend with all your quirks. They're not related to you by blood, so they don't need to do that. But they still choose to stay with you and love you. Shouldn't that hold a ton of importance in our life? A true friend, a best friend will love you through thick and thin. And honestly you don't even need to meet such people everyday or at all to know that they love you. I mean you can also find the b


Last day of the year and I'm here reminiscing. Weird year. Made some new friends that felt like family. Lost touch with some more friends But hey the one's who are meant to stay have always stayed. Took decisions I wasn't sure of, But learnt to be responsible and confident with my own choices. Learnt to connect to many people Do what makes you happy, people are going to judge you anyways. Just saying this & also doing it are 2 different things. I have learnt that. It takes immense courage to do it & a lot more strength to stand by what you choose to do for yourself and be happy about it. I've been skeptical of everything I do, but I'm trying not to be. If it makes you happy please just do it. Whether people like it or not, whether you are appreciated or not. It's alright. There's a lot of grey area to everything in life & yes reality has finally hit me, not everything is entirely black/white. Sometimes you have to just look closely to

What's the best version of you?

 What's the best version of you? If you were to define your best self , what would it look like. Your best dream self that hs everything that you've dreamt of, think about it a little. Take a pause and just think. Now what's keeping you from it ? Why aren't you that version now? The answer is simple. Your fears. The only thing keeping you away from the best you, are your fears.  And if there's anyone who disagrees to this, you are probably in denial, fearing to face your reality.  Some fears are very reasonably while some very abstract.  A little story time. Recently, there's been these accidents I've been seeing happening around me. Very close calls for my own self as well. Makes me scared at sudden noises lately . It's reasonable because it's stemming from things I'm experiencing .But does that mean I'm to dwell on it all my life? No . I have to put in some effort , and slowly get over it.  We shouldn't be bound by our surro

The End

So what's an end huh  You're wondering I'm sure. I've surprised myself as well here. So we'll both figure it out as we read ahead.The underlying thought here is what is the end? This blog started with a thing in church. It was asked, when you look at the ocean , you see the horizon. Is the horizon actually the end? The answer is obviously no . Just because you can't see ahead of the horizon doesn't mean that it's the end. It used to be believed that the earth is flat bcoz of a similar theory but we all know that the earth is a sphere.  If I say that God exists and you say show  me... I can apply the same concept just bcoz you don't see Him doesn't mean He doesn't exist. Furthermore this is a matter of faith so I won't push on it. But, if you wish to discuss it I'm more than happy to do it just text me . So now it's proven that the horizon is not the end of the earth and we all can surely agree to that unless there'


Hello to everyone reading.      It's 2023 . "New year New me," is what people say. New year's resolutions are taken. But does all of this happen so quickly? As soon as the clock ticks to the new year? The answer is obviously no. Change is a slow and steady process. So it won't occur overnight.       A person who wants to change from his old ways doesn't just wake up the way he wishes to be. One has to work for their desired change to be seen. You practice the change in yourself every single day , until the change becomes who you are. Change is a very essential part of our lives. We as human's cannot resist change because it's the rule of nature to change. Survival of the fittest given by Charles Darwin on his theory of natural selection explains it all.  So change is inevitable. It's the only thing that is constant everywhere. Every single day of our lives , every moment we're changing, evolving , learning something new and become b