
Hello to everyone reading.
     It's 2023 . "New year New me," is what people say. New year's resolutions are taken. But does all of this happen so quickly? As soon as the clock ticks to the new year? The answer is obviously no.
Change is a slow and steady process. So it won't occur overnight. 

     A person who wants to change from his old ways doesn't just wake up the way he wishes to be. One has to work for their desired change to be seen. You practice the change in yourself every single day , until the change becomes who you are.
Change is a very essential part of our lives. We as human's cannot resist change because it's the rule of nature to change. Survival of the fittest given by Charles Darwin on his theory of natural selection explains it all.  So change is inevitable. It's the only thing that is constant everywhere. Every single day of our lives , every moment we're changing, evolving , learning something new and become better versions of ourselves.

     Change isn't always easy.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.
The lyrics from Coldplay's song The Scientist pop's up in the background.
I know but everything in life is only as big of a problem as we make it to be. Change doesn't have to be that difficult.If we're willing to be accepting towards it, it can get easier. We always wish to hold onto things, places, people and feelings. This is our problem. We don't let go easily, and that's the case for our agony. Change is associated to pain only as much as we allow it to. I read somewhere that, "Change isn't painful , but the resistance to change is." So truly said . Only when we are unwilling to accept the changes around us, only when we wish for things to be the same does it pain.

     Change is something we all have to accept. People around us change. The situations change. Our relations with people change. The environment changes. And it's not just that; even we ourselves are bound to constantly change. If we do not change and accept these changes the desire of wanting to hold onto things will rule our lives. Our lives will be constantly driven by agony. I'm sure no one would like a life of torment. 

     So my motive behind this today is to try to help you in some way. Change is scary at times. Even I feel really overwhelmed and anxious by changes around me. But that's okay, as long as I can push through the fear of the new, unknown thing's ahead of me. I believe in the fact that God has a better plan.  So,

Do not adhere.
Push through the fears.
I know changes seem severe,
But it will all be fine my dear.

With love,
Disha ✨



  1. Slaying as always. Keep writing. You are exceptionally great at it.

  2. "Do not adhere, push through the fear" the lines are so beautifully written. Very well overall piece <3.

  3. Nice ♥️πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. Worth reading every single line😍πŸ₯°


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